A Second Life Blog-Closer Look

While browsing around on the internet today I came across a site that literally blew me away. I have heard of Second Life, but I never did get into it because in my mind it seemed sort of like IMVU, forcing you to chat and spend money when all I wanted to do was look at pretty scenery and make gorgeous gals to dress up. However, one look at this blog had me thinking twice.


Delving deeper, already intrigued, I then found this at the same blog.


There’s links at the sides, but here’s some other things that caught my eye.

First, the fashion is outstanding! Take a look!


Those shoes on the top post are just to die for!

And some poses I wish we had in Sims 3!



And some hair that would be wonderful to have in our beloved Sims..


Look around some more on that blog, and I’m sure you’ll be just as enchanted as I was.

This was neat too, btw..



~ by Daylilypetals on 11/30/2009.

2 Responses to “A Second Life Blog-Closer Look”

  1. Hi, sorry for this offtopic question but i dont find the RSS Feed Link to add this Blog to my Feedreader. Could you please give me the URL? Thanks a lot.

    Greetings from Switzerland

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